Terrance Hayes

Hayes not only writes poetry that is urgent, powerful, beautiful but beneath lies intricacy of craft. Hayes sets constraints—poetic puzzles—that make his work a high wire act in content and form.

T.S. Eliot

When I was a teenager, “The Waste Land” blew open my idea of what poetry was and what it could do. Now returning to poetry decades later, I find that early influence of collage, gestures and fragments continues to inform my own work.

Anne Sexton

I feel like Sexton is a poet sister. The dissonance between the life of her letters and what she brought to the page, as well as how she continually stretched herself in new ways intrigues and inspires me.

Maggie Nelson

I’m interested in stretching literary genre, hybrid and the integration of memoir into poetry. Reading Nelson’s “Bluets” opened a door for me that I’m just starting to step through.

Federico García Lorca

Two years ago, I sat down and read his entire body of work. So much literary abundance created in such a short life. I return often now to read a poem or two, always finding a line that is magic.

Heidi Seaborn is the Editorial Director for The Adroit Journal, the author of the award-winning debut book of poetry Give a Girl Chaos {see what she can do} (C&R Press/Mastodon Books, 2019) and a NYU MFA candidate. Since Heidi started writing in 2016, she’s won or been shortlisted for over two dozen awards and her poetry has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies such as The Missouri Review, Mississippi Review, Penn Review and Tar River. She’s also the author of the chapbook Finding My Way Home (Finishing Line Press, 2018) and a political poetry pamphlet Body Politic (Mount Analogue Press, 2017). She graduated from Stanford University and is on the Tupelo Press board. heidiseabornpoet.com

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